Everyone loves to do certain activities in their spare time. Woodworking is such an enjoyable hobby to engage in that even those who do it for a living will also take it on as a pastime. That said, anyone who loves to work with wood will benefit from reading the tips below.

Safety always comes first. Be sure to follow all safety directions when using power tools. Avoid taking off the guards on power tools; they are meant to protect you. Avoid doing a project and having to go to the hospital.

Woodworking can be a fun, and satisfying, hobby. However, it is very important to play it safe when working with tools, substances that cause fumes and other common dangers of the craft. Be sure to wear safety glasses, allow plenty of fresh air for ventilation when using oil-based products and always read the directions before you start anything!

When you are working on a project, be sure to face your light directly on your working area. The bright light will enable you to detect any drips or runs you may not see otherwise. Missed areas will also be more visible. Be sure to always work in a well-ventilated area as well.

Try using duct tape to create a level spot. If you’ve used your table saw on a base that’s mobile, you should be able to easily pull it in and out. To really finish it up, find a level spot on your floor. This also helps you saw boards without obstruction. Mark your wheel positions using duct tape that is brightly colored, and then roll the saw to that same flat spot each time you need to saw.

If you will be re-coating an existing finish, be sure that the surface is clean and free of any wax or oils. Then, let it dry completely, and lightly scuff the surface with a 220-grit sandpaper so that the finish you are applying will have something to hold onto.

Always wear safety glasses when you are doing anything that involves woodworking. If you do not take the time to put the glasses on you are taking a huge risk that is not sensible. Just think, if you lose your eye sight you will not be able to do woodworking every again.

Check out the selection of videos available on YouTube if you would like to learn more about the hobby of woodworking. There are so many videos available from people of all skill levels that you will never be able to watch them all. You can even search for specific skills that you would like to learn.

Whenever you start a new project, consider involving a wood you haven’t used before. It can create an entirely different look and feel for the item, plus it gives you experience with something new. Research how to work with the new wood so you can understand how it functions.

Take advantage of several tools instead of trying to do all of your work on just one. A jig, a tablesaw, a bandsaw and a lathe all have their own uses. It is important that you know what each of these tools do and you use them accordingly while getting the job done.

Join a woodworking club if you have the time to do so. This can lead to you learning a great deal more about woodworking, and an added benefit is that you will make friends that enjoy the same passion as you. Additionally, it can be rewarding to share your knowledge with others that are just getting started.

You can apply stain with either a brush, or a rag. Work the stain in against the grain, and with it as well. You need not be neat, just get a smooth, even coat on the wood. Then, wipe immediately for a lighter tone, or leave it on for up to fifteen minutes before wiping for a deeper tone.

Drinking a few beers on the weekend seems like a good idea when you feel like building a few things. However, if you’re drinking and doing woodworking with tools it can be a terrible idea. Never drink any alcohol while you are working a project. This rule applies to any drug that may affect your ability to think clearly, whether legal or not.

Recycle wood when you can. You can also look for good wood to reuse from establishments that have a lot of scraps, like construction or flooring companies. You not just saving a lot of trees when you use recycled wood in your projects. You are also saving some cash.

There are some basic tools needed for woodworking projects. These include a saw, hammer, files, level, square and measuring tapes. Larger pieces of equipment you may need are different types of electrical powered saws and sanders. The power tools can be quite expensive, and you may not need them unless you do a lot of woodworking projects.

You can make your own router base using quarter-inch acrylic, which is easy to purchase at a home improvement center. This type of homemade router base is stronger and more reliable than the type that comes with a router. You will get a better and more accurate straight edge due to the superior strength and stability of this material. Just use the base that came with your router as a pattern to create your own durable router base using an acrylic sheet.

If you use an orbital sander to smooth the surface of your project before finishing, move the sander very slowly. The recommended speed is one inch per second which is slower than most people sand. Going too fast can cause a small spiral pattern that does not show up until the finish is applied.

These tips have provided you with a great deal of knowledge you likely haven’t heard about before. Thanks to reading this article, you now have some ideas which will help you better your work. The results will be astounding and you will be so please with how much your skills progress.