Woodworking is a skill that has been valued since the beginning of time. Many woodworkers enjoy it from an artistic point of view while others enjoy creating larger, more functional items. But whatever it is that you enjoy about woodworking, here are some tips to help you enjoy it even more.
Woodworking can be a fun, and satisfying, hobby. However, it is very important to play it safe when working with tools, substances that cause fumes and other common dangers of the craft. Be sure to wear safety glasses, allow plenty of fresh air for ventilation when using oil-based products and always read the directions before you start anything!
Organize your shop’s extension cords to keep your shop safe and tidy. You can make your own cord keeper with nothing more than a scrap piece of wood. Simply cut a piece of wood in the shape of an I and wrap each of your extension cords around the wood.
In a pinch, you can use a hacksaw blade as a makeshift compass. Often you can’t find a compass when you need it in room, when you are away from your shop. You can quickly nail a hole in the middle of a hacksaw blade, then steady the pencil against the proper tooth to get the right length. Draw that circle.
One of the necessary tools for woodworking is the common pencil. Pencils do get lost easily, however. Buy plenty, then store them in an old instant soup container. Fill the container with sawdust and drill holes in the lid. You’ll now have plenty of pencils and the container won’t tip over easily.
If you enjoy doing woodworking as a hobby, try to use all the materials that you buy and throw away as little as possible. Scrap pieces of plywood or hard wood can be used as sanding blocks for future projects. You can also use scrap wood for wooden dowels in furniture making.
Many people use utility knives to cut veneer. This can be very dangerous; however, take heart, there is a better way. When cutting veneer, consider using a rotary cutting tool. These inexpensive tools can be purchased in your local fabric shop. Rotary cutting tools allow you to trim veneer to the perfect size.
Look around your neighborhood and workplace for sources of free wood. Businesses will have leftover pallets, and construction areas may have scrap wood they don’t need. Before you start tearing them up you can find examples of pallets that are recycled into furniture online.
Learn about using pilot holes. This is pretty simple to do. When driving a screw or hammering a nail into a little piece of wood or getting pretty close to the edge of a piece, it tends to split. Sometimes it’s unavoidable to put a fixing into a place like this. However, drilling a hole through the joint that’s a bit smaller than the fixing can prevent it from splitting.
Look to video to learn different woodworking techniques. Seeing woodworking in action is a really powerful way to learn. It is, after all, a very hands on skill you’re picking up. Look to YouTube as a start. There are many videos there going over top skills related to woodworking.
Keep your work area as clean as possible. Woodworking creates a lot of mess, especially dust. This dust can get into your home and eventually into your lungs. This can cause real health problems down the road for you and your family. So take a few minutes after a job, and sweep up your space.
Accuracy is the key in good woodworking techniques. Measure carefully, and double check your measurements often. It only take one miscalculation to result in a cutting error, which can end up in a ruined project. Taking the extra time to measure carefully will prevent some of these problems stemming from inaccurate measurements.
You can use woodworkers glue to secure joints if you clamp the joint securely in place while the glue dries. Many people prefer to glue the joint in addition to using fasteners. This prevents the joint from loosening if it is subjected to pressure that could cause it to give way.
When you start sanding, always use a fresh sheet of sanding paper. Using fresh sandpaper allows you to get the sanding done more quickly. It is also easier to sand with fresh sandpaper. Also, while sanding it is a good idea to check the sandpaper occasionally for clogging so you can change it as needed.
When using a table saw, use a block of wood clamped to the fence to set your length. Using the fence directly could result in a board being kicked back at you. To make measurements easy, use a block that is exactly 1 inch in length. Then all you have to do is set the fence length 1 inch greater than your desired length.
Learning by example is a powerful tool in woodworking. Check out online videos if you are unsure about a particular tool or project. You may watch the whole project from the start to finish to see each aspect of a project.
If you plan to make indentations which aren’t deep, consider using a raised-letter bit. Straight bits will rip up the grain of the wood when trying to create a circular cavity, plus it leads to lots of sanding when you’re done. The raised-letter bit is intended for this type of work, leaving a clean surface once done.
When you are using a hand saw, start with a backwards motion. Make sure your angle is shallow and be gentle to start. Create a guide by putting a cut into each side of the wood as that will ensure your cut ends up straight. If you know what you’re doing, you can clamp the timber as well.
As you already know, woodworking can be a very useful and creative hobby. There is a lot of creativity and enjoyment that goes into creating items of wood. Hopefully the tips from above will enhance your woodworking efforts and inspire you to make even more works of art to enjoy.