What should you know about the art of woodworking? There isn’t much to is other than cutting some wood and then affixing pieces together, right? There is so much more to this activity than that! The more you find out about woodworking, the more enjoyable the craft can be for you.

Safety is the most important aspect of a project. Always start a job with the proper safety gear and follow instructions for using the tools properly. Safety guards are on tools for a good reason and should never be removed. You could get hurt if you do this.

TIP! Safety always comes first. Be certain to use all tools correctly and observe all safeguards.

Anytime that you are planning to stain wood, you should be sure to use a high-quality wood conditioner beforehand. A good pre-stain condition helps to even out any imperfections in your project that a stain can accentuate. Conditioners can smooth the uneven grain of your wood and cause the stain to penetrate the wood more evenly.

Prior to applying glue, attempt a dry fitting. When you try to move things around after applying the glue, you’ll likely end up with a big mess. A dry-fit will give you a good idea of what components go where.

Dull Blades

Be sure your blade sharp prior to trying to cut. Dull blades rip wood apart. Dull blades can also create expensive mistakes.

Use the right sized nail for a job. Using improper nails is a common mistake make by beginners. A large diameter nail can split the wood and ruin your project. A small nail, however, won’t be able to join the wood together. The right size is a must.

Always make sure your work area has amply lighting. You must measure accurately for success in woodworking. Light is also a safety issue since you’ll be working with sharp tools. Working with wood requires good lighting so you do the job right and stay safe.

TIP! A great tool for setting crosscut guides is a stair gauge. With a carpenter’s square these can be clamped down to match up the stair jack.

Knocking a few beers back during down time can be a lot of fun. Just remember, drinking while you work with a saw can have disastrous consequences. You should never consider working with any types of tools when drinking alcohol. The same caution applies to the use of prescriptions or illegal drugs.

Always be careful with a table saw. Use a clamped block to set your crosscut’s length. This is preferred over just using the fence alone, because it prevents your board from springing back. This can save you from a serious injury during your project.

You can utilize your woodworking skills for a better yard. Build a deck or a bird feeder. The birds from the birdfeeder will keep insects away. If you’re a professional woodworker, meet clients near your deck or something you have built, so they can see your work right away.

TIP! Did you know that the height of your workbench is vital to the quality of work you produce? Measure the distance between the floor and your waist to learn the perfect height for your workbench. This tells you the right workbench height for your needs.

Did you pick up some helpful tips here? Do you have a better sense of what woodworking takes? If you answered in the affirmative, take note of the ways in which your life can be enriched by it. From a hobby to a full-time job, the knowledge here can help you push the boundaries of your future in woodworking.