Woodworking is a craft and a skill that has been around for centuries. It is a valuable trade to have experience with and can be infinitely useful in many ways. Skilled woodworkers can earn a good living with their hands and many enjoy woodworking just for the joy of it.
Do not make the mistake of buying woodworking supplies based on the price alone. This can turn out to be a mistake that will cost you more in the end. If the supplies you buy are not very good quality, they will wear out sooner than more expensive tools, which means you will have to replace them much sooner.
Visualize your woodworking project from start to finish before taking any tool to the wood. Let your brain and imagination help you get used to what you’re about to do. In fact, when you visualize, you’ll be much less likely to make costly mistakes during the middle of a project.
Always be on the lookout for good woodworking tips. If you meet professionals, ask them for their best tips. If you find a magazine chock full with tips, pick it up so that you can keep it in your archive. Even record TV shows that have woodworking in them to glean any tips you my find there.
Glue can cause nasty stains on your finished work. You can eliminate stains easily using a piece of tape. First, clamp your wood together without any glue. Put a piece of tape over the joint. Cut the tape on the joint with a sharp knife. You can now clamp the wood together with glue and any excess will ooze onto the tape, not the wood.
If the hinges to your interior door are loose, use a golf tee to fix the problem. Remove the door and hinges from the frame and tap the golf tee into the hole. Cut off the length of golf tee that protrudes from the hole, then you put your door back up. The screw will be able to then hold on to the golf tee in order to function properly.
Always clean and sharpen your woodworking tools after you use them. If you do not, the materials and debris left on your tools can make this a less effective cutting tool for your next project. Keeping them cleaned will also extend the life of your tools, saving you money in the long run.
Of the surface of the wood in your project has been dinged or dented by accident, you need to remove the blemish before you finish it. If the fibers of the wood are only crushed, not torn, you can use steam to fix the problem. Fill the depression with a drop or two of water and use a hot iron over a damp cloth to level the dent.
When working on heaving woodworking machinery, like a band saw, or a lathe, keep distractions to a minimum. One slip can cause the ruin of your project. No only that, but you can get injured as well. Always pay 100% attention to what you are doing and keep your eye on your work.
When using a table saw, use a block of wood clamped to the fence to set your length. Using the fence directly could result in a board being kicked back at you. To make measurements easy, use a block that is exactly 1 inch in length. Then all you have to do is set the fence length 1 inch greater than your desired length.
Keep a folder of anything that inspires you. If you see a staircase in a magazine or a bedframe in a catalog, clip them and keep them in a folder for future projects. That way, when you want to start a new project, you’ll have a folder chock full of great ideas.
Use hot glue instead of a clamp on small projects. If you have to cut, shape, or file a small object, try using a hot glue gun to attach it to a pedestal. It will hold better than a clamp, and can be used on projects that are too oddly shaped or small to be clamped in the first place. To remove it, simply pry lightly with a putty knife.
Know the wood that you are working with very well before you begin your next woodworking project. You want to know the direction of the grain, the durability of the wood as well as how it will be affected by weather conditions and the tools that you plan to use. Knowing these things will help to have the results that you desire.
Remember that bits of scrap wood can be saved and used on other projects. There are many times you’ll find use for those small scraps. For instance, to fill in an empty space in a project or to clamp two pieces together without denting them. Wood scraps also make good pieces on which you can practicing your cutting using a brand new tool.
Always think about changes you might want to make in the future when you begin a large project. If you are building a shed now, will it need electricity later? If the answer is yes, plan for it now by making sure there is enough room for switches and wiring to be installed later.
Consider every part of your project, including the small, empty spaces. For example, what can you add to the underside of your new desk to add more storage space? If you’re building a bed, can you add some drawers underneath to put the linens into? Always keep your mind open to new ideas.
Don’t forget your feet if you are working with wood. A rogue nail or screw on the floor could spell disaster if it ends up embedded in your feet. Wear steel toed boots intended for the work place as they are made to keep sharp objects away from the soles of your feet, as well as keeping your toes protected from heavy objects dropped upon them.
As you already know, woodworking is a very valuable skill. Whether you are building a big projects such as a house or smaller projects such as a small bird house, woodworking has so much to offer. Hopefully the tips from above have given you ideas on new ways to use this valuable skill.