Working with wood is a great way to relax and enjoy yourself while you make something useful or decorative. If you enjoy woodworking, it can just be a hobby you do in your spare time, or it can be the foundation of a successful business. For some more great advice on woodworking, keep reading.
Don’t neglect sanding your wood. Sanding may be tedious, but the quality of your workmanship will suffer if you leave the scrapes and nicks where they are. Not to mention, those scratches and nicks absorb more stain and paint, making them stand out more, and making your work look shoddy.
Always stir your stains and finishes instead of shaking them. Ingredients may have settled onto the bottom as they sat on the shelf. However, shaking can cause bubbles, and things may not mix properly. Stir for at least five minutes so that everything is even.
Stir, never shake stains and finishes before use. Over time, these settle, so mixing is necessary. Shaking, however, adds bubbles and doesn’t always mix the stain or finish thoroughly. Stirring mixes the products better by evenly mixing in any settlement that occurred during storage. Stains and finishes that are not mixed thoroughly will not apply correctly to the wood you’re staining and are at risk of looking blotchy.
If you are going to be doing a big woodworking project on the outside of your home, check to make sure it is within the rules. Your local government may have zoning regulations or even a permit process needed for structures like garages, decks and even storage sheds. Also check with your neighborhood association if there is one.
Keep an eye out for recycled wood. Scraps can be discarded which are a boon for your projects. Oftentimes, flooring and home improvement stores will discard wood scraps and unused wood. Know what pieces will be most useful beforehand. This also saves quite a bit of money.
Keep your woodworking tools well sharpened. Dull tools produce messy work and can be hard to use. Not only that, but it can injure you if you have to use excessive force to cut. A sharp tool gives you a cleaner and more efficient cut. You can really notice the difference.
Many professional recommend finishing the separate pieces of the project before it is assembled. This method makes finishing much easier and if the wood shrinks a little in the future, there will be no bare wood exposed. However, it is important to keep the finish off any surfaces that will be glued.
When using a table saw, use a block of wood clamped to the fence to set your length. Using the fence directly could result in a board being kicked back at you. To make measurements easy, use a block that is exactly 1 inch in length. Then all you have to do is set the fence length 1 inch greater than your desired length.
Buy quality tools. There are discount tools on the market, and you may be tempted to save some money. What is the difference? Sometimes the steel in a screwdriver is softer and can strip the screw heads. Sometimes the build quality is cheap and the head of a hammer may fly off. Spend the money for good tools and you’ll have them for decades.
A drafting square gives much needed accuracy to smaller cuts. It can be hard to accurately measure the wood you need. Drywall sections are often inaccurate, but carpenter type squares must be attached to an edge, so they are difficult as well. Get to an art supply store to purchase a drafting square. These are made for smaller measurements, making them very accurate and easy to use.
Make planning something that takes as much time as the doing. Seriously, when you plan things out, you are less likely to make mistakes and your “doing” time will be a lot shorter. Some people find planning to this extent boring, but the simple fact is it can save you money and time overall.
Use hot glue instead of a clamp on small projects. If you have to cut, shape, or file a small object, try using a hot glue gun to attach it to a pedestal. It will hold better than a clamp, and can be used on projects that are too oddly shaped or small to be clamped in the first place. To remove it, simply pry lightly with a putty knife.
Look online for free woodworking plans. Whether you want to build a bookcase, chicken coop, or garden shed, you can find free woodworking plans on the internet. Make sure you check the plans for completeness. Also, you’ll want to evaluate the plans to see if there are any changes you want to make.
Hacksaw teeth always face forward. When installing a new blade in a hacksaw, a common mistake is to face the teeth facing backwards, so that the blade cuts as it is pulled. These saws are actually designed to cut when pushed, so always face the teeth forward when mounting them to the handle.
Know the wood that you are working with very well before you begin your next woodworking project. You want to know the direction of the grain, the durability of the wood as well as how it will be affected by weather conditions and the tools that you plan to use. Knowing these things will help to have the results that you desire.
When you approach a project, pick your purpose carefully. What will the end product be used for? Can you add utility to it so that it has even more uses? For example, when you build a desk consider also adding drawers and shelving to allow it to be an organized place to work.
Woodworking is an activity that you can enjoy for your entire life. You can do it in your spare time, or you can turn it into a lucrative career. No matter why you want to work with wood, the tips you have just read can help. Put them into practice the next time you pick up a piece of wood.