When you are looking for a new hobby, look no further than woodworking. This amazing pastime combines skill building with the creation of items you can actually use around your home. If you want a hobby that allows you to do something good, the tips below will help you join in.

Are you aware that your workbench height is important to your work quality? To determine the right height, measure between the floor and the middle of your own waist. This is the best height for a workbench.

Take the time to plan out your woodworking project step-by-step before you even begin. Doing this will help to ensure that you are going to get the results that you are looking for. If you do not plan ahead it is likely that you will make an error that could ruin the entire project.

Always wear safety glasses when you are doing anything that involves woodworking. If you do not take the time to put the glasses on you are taking a huge risk that is not sensible. Just think, if you lose your eye sight you will not be able to do woodworking every again.

When working with wood, it is important that you have a lot of patience when it comes to the finishing process. This is just as important as the actual woodworking. Things like gluing edges and sanding the wood down take time, and you will only mess things up if you try to rush through this process.

Ask local hardware stores if they sponsor woodworking classes. You may be surprised by what you find! In fact, your local Home Depot or Lowes might have classes available monthly that’ll help you hone your skills. This is a quick way to grow as a woodworker with very little out of pocket costs.

Use some affordable filters for collecting fine dust. The filters and micro-filtering bags made to catch this dust can get pricy after several replacements. Try using the ones that are sold for use in household vacuums.
You can buy the cheap ones and easily modify them to fit your shop vacuum. Cut off the top a bit past the small opening. Turn the whole thing inside out so that airflow still flows in the usual direction. Slip it over your foam filter using the retaining ring to keep it in place.

When you need accurate measurements in the 3-foot range, use a drafting square. These are relatively cheap and can be found at any art supply store. They are perfectly straight and extremely accurate. They are less cumbersome than a framing square and are also longer. This will become your go-to tool in your woodworking shop.

When you are new at woodworking and starting to collect your tools, purchase simple tools to begin with. Try your hand at a few projects to make sure you want to continue before you invest in expensive tools. You can save money and get better quality tools when you buy used tools.

Always listen for family and friends that wish to sell their houses. You can earn some cash with your woodworking skills by using them to boost your home’s resale value. From creating new cabinets to building a shed, your value is great.

Go to the art supply store and get a drafting square. Carpenter squares are a hassle, and drywall squares are notoriously inaccurate. When you need an exact square several feet in width and length, a drafting square is a surefire winner. Once you use it a few times, you’ll likely use it just as much as a tape measure.

Always wear the proper safety gear when you are working with wood. This includes eye protection, gloves and ear plugs whenever you are cutting wood with an electric saw. You should also wear a dust mask to avoid inhaling little pieces of wood. Keep this gear handy so you always remember to use it.

If you want to stain your wood piece, make sure to use a finer grit sandpaper if you want a lighter color. That is because the big scratches left by coarse paper allows more of the pigments to saturate the wood surface. Therefore, if you want the color to be lighter, make sure you’ve sanded with fine sandpaper.

When starting out in woodworking, buy the tools you’ll need immediately. Later buy more tools as the need comes up. Don’t spend a fortune decking out a shop at first. You’ll find there are many tools you won’t ever use. You’ll also find you can often make due with the tools you already have on hand rather than spending more money.

Sometimes a retractable tape measure is seen as too unreliable for woodworking. The tip can get worn out or bent, making measurements inexact. While a good steel ruler may be best, you can use a tape measure for some jobs. Just make sure you use the same one for all measurements. Don’t switch tape measures.

Buy quality tools. There are discount tools on the market, and you may be tempted to save some money. What is the difference? Sometimes the steel in a screwdriver is softer and can strip the screw heads. Sometimes the build quality is cheap and the head of a hammer may fly off. Spend the money for good tools and you’ll have them for decades.

Use only one extension cord in your shop. Correct use means unplugging a tool when you finished with it and plugging in the next one you will be using. Reduce the risk of tripping over cords or the possibility of a nasty shock with this basic safety procedure.

When driving larger nails into panels like a two by four, do you often inadvertently split the wood. You can often avoid this annoyance by using a simple trick. Turn the nail over and give the sharp end a quick rap with the hammer, dulling the tip a bit. The nail is then less likely to split the wood.

These ideas aren’t all new, yet they’re all worth reading. Those which are new to you will serve to better your techniques. Those which are old hat are reminders that you should continually pay attention to how you are working with wood. Together, they will build you into a master wood craftsman.