Woodworking: What You Should Know About Working With Woods

It is the perfect solo hobby, or it can be enjoyed by the entire family. It doesn’t matter which members of your family wish to partake. All of them have basic intrinsic skills that will aid them along the way. Additionally, these tips will make them experts.

Don’t neglect sanding your wood.

Sanding may be tedious, but the quality of your workmanship will suffer if you leave the scrapes and nicks where they are. Not to mention, those scratches and nicks absorb more stain and paint, making them stand out more, and making your work look shoddy.

Woodworking is an activity that anyone can enjoy.

Always put your safety first when it comes to using tools, stains and paints. The more variety you use, the more specifics there are about applications, tool use, times for drying, and more. Put your safety first by reading the instructions, wearing any necessary protective gear, and working in areas with good ventilation whenever using oil-based products or anything that produces air pollutants.

Don’t Forget the Safety Gear

Whenever you work with wood, wear a pair of safety glasses and a dust mask to keep yourself safe. When cutting or even hammering into wood, pieces can fly up into your eyes or be breathed in. This can lead to health issues which can end your enjoyment of this pursuit for good.

Bored with Power Tools

If you are bored using power tools for your woodworking project, try your hand at using classic manual tools. For hundreds of years people used no power in their woodworking. Everything was done by hand. It is a challenging way to add some excitement and pride to your next woodworking project.

Sanding is a Must

Never skip sanding when it is necessary or think that staining hides imperfections in the wood. Wood with scratches, dents and nicks absorbs much more finish or stain than wood that is smooth. When you skip sanding or do not do a thorough job of it, the imperfections stand out even more because of the increased absorption.

Test the Stain First

When staining woods, always test in a hard to see area before moving forward. In fact, if you’ve got a piece of scrap wood, that’s even better. You never know how a type of wood will take to stain, so it’s best to find out in a place that won’t be an issue later on.

Tie Back Your Hair

Working with a table saw can be quite dangerous for people that have long hair. If you are one of these people, it would be a good idea for you to tie your hair up while you work. You don’t want any of your hair to get caught in the blades.

Better too Much Wood than Too Little Wood

When buying wood for your woodworking project, always buy long and not to the exact measurements. Some stores will sell you wood that is cut to length. Always measure long and trim down to the exact size you need in your shop. This way if you made a minor error in measurement, you will have a little bit of extra wood to cut off or utilize to make up for the difference.

Clean and Sharp Woodworking Tools

Always clean and sharpen your woodworking tools after you use them. If you do not, the materials and debris left on your tools can make this a less effective cutting tool for your next project. Keeping them cleaned will also extend the life of your tools, saving you money in the long run.

Read Your Woodworking Plans First

If you are making something from a set of plans, read through the plans before you begin. You need to make sure that you understand every step so there will be no surprises. Knowing what step comes next can help you plan out the current step. This will help you be more prepared in your projects.

Save Your Leftover Stain

Be sure to keep all of your old cans of stain. Stain is expensive, and can come in handy if you wish to use a particular color again. Additionally, stains do not set up like finish does. If there is a skin on top, remove it, and the stain is as good as new.

Sand Softly

Never put a ton of pressure on your wood while sanding. Doing so can cause the surface to become uneven. If you are using the right grit, you do not have to be forceful. Use circular motions with light pressure to sand.

Unplug Tools when Not in Use

Avoid keeping all your power tool cords plugged in at the same time. Take a moment to unplug the last tool you used and then plug in whichever one you need next. This easy tip for woodworking will avoid tripping hazards, and diminish your electrocution risks.

A Trick to Avoid Spliting Wood

When driving larger nails into panels like a two by four, do you often inadvertently split the wood. You can often avoid this annoyance by using a simple trick. Turn the nail over and give the sharp end a quick rap with the hammer, dulling the tip a bit. The nail is then less likely to split the wood.

Keep your woodworking techniques simple.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the many available tools. You can also be wooed by new, fancy techniques. You’ll undoubtedly be tempted to get complicated, but avoid that urge. Even if you do try complicated techniques, you’ll probably end up going back to the simple, tried but true methods.

Tool belts: a carpenter’s best friend.

Whenever you are doing a woodworking project, a tool belt can keep all the necessary supplies close at hand. A useful tool belt will have several pouches to hold an assortment of fasteners. Additionally, you will want a tool belt with a holster for your hammer.

Familiarize yourself with the tools you will be using.

Using tools you are unfamiliar with could be a real safety hazard. Make sure you know what you are doing before taking unnecessary risks. Read up on any potentially dangerous tools, watch instructional videos, and maybe even take a class on using them.