It’s a lot of fun to start working with wood. Regardless of what you plan to create, woodworking is a craft that is highly revered. It’s not necessarily easy, but you can do it with the right knowledge. With a good amount of practice, you should be able to build something that you can be proud of.

Before you stain your wood project, apply a pre-stain conditioner onto the wood. These conditioners will make the finished project look better. These conditioners are going to help smooth out the wood so that the stain can get into it more evenly.

TIP! As with anything involving power tools, safety is the number one concern in woodworking. Always use your tools properly while wearing adequate safety equipment.

Make your own sanding blocks. Use a scrap of 3/4″ plywood to cut six blocks, one for each sandpaper grit you need. Be sure that they’re only around 2.5″ x 4.75″. Put spray glue on a cork tile and each block. If the cork is too large, trim it with a utility knife. Put adhesive on a sheet of sandpaper and apply it on each block of cork. Lastly, cut the sandpaper flush with the cork, and label each block.

Prepare your finishes and stains by stirring them instead of shaking them. Some ingredients in these products may settle over time. Shaking the product is likely to lead to a frothy mix that still isn’t properly mixed. Make sure that the product is thoroughly stirred, and everything is evenly dispersed.

Know your budget so you know what you can make. It is easy for your eyes to be larger than your wallet. Do not get excited about a project before making sure you have enough money to get everything you need. Do your homework before starting to avoid surprises.

TIP! Never shake a finish or a stain. Only stir them.

When you are creating a woodworking budget, be sure to include the price of the tools you will need to purchase to complete your project. This can be easy to neglect, since you might just be focusing on the cost of the wood. New tools can break your budget, especially if you need heavy duty equipment.

Dull Blades

You should check the condition of your blade before you start sawing. Dull blades can make work difficult. Additionally, dull blades can cause you to make errors that can cost you money.

TIP! Gel stains are great for furniture. Liquid stains have a tendency to run but gel stains will stay in place better, without running.

Be certain you use the right nail size for any project. Very large nails can cause wood to split, which will prevent it from holding well. But if you use a nail too small, it may not have the strength or size to hold the pieces together. It’s important to be able to match the correct size of nail for each job.

Now apply these tips to your woodworking. You will make mistakes at first, like everyone does, but over time you will get better. Don’t get discouraged because woodworking takes patience and dedication.