The video moves along pretty fast, so head over to our blog to if you want more details on each step:
Here’s a quick way to make a pretty good-looking hardwood cutting board out of 3 woods, walnut, maple and mahogany.
If you consider yourself new to woodworking, this is a classic project that you can knock out in a weekend and it’ll fit your budget because it doesn’t require much wood.
Building a cutting board is also a fantastic way to get acquainted with woodworking essentials like cutting, clamping/gluing, routing, shaping, and reveling in the satisfaction of building a beautiful project for your home.
We’re basically using 6 steps:
1. Cut Some Strips
2. Arrange Strips in a Pattern You Like
3. Glue It Up
4. Plane It Smooth
5. Cut and Rout It to Shape
6. Sand it & oil it
See our selection of cutting board woods, and order on line!